【超英文法】 #2 助動詞+have+過去分詞 ~過去の事実に対して現在推量する~

This street is wet. It (  ) last night.

This street is wet. It (  ) last night.
①must have rained ②should rain
③cannot have rained ④perhaps have rained

She (  ) been sick in bed yesterday. I saw her at the supermarket.
①cannot have ②may not have
③must have ④would have

I (  ) the movie, but I don’t remember whether I have.
①should not have seen ②ought to have seen
③may have seen ④cannot have seen




The thief (  ) through this window. It’s much too small.
①can’t have escaped ②must have escaped 
③mustn’t escape ④should have escaped

I can’t find my glasses. I (  ) them behind in the train.
①may have left ②may leave ③might be leaving ④might leave

The playground is full of puddles. It (  ) last night.
①must rain ②cannot have rained 
③cannot rain ④must have rained


◆【例題解答】(1)① (2)① (3)③

◆【練習問題解答】(1)① (2)① (3)④ 


探し物は何ですか? 見つけにくいものですか♪

あれな~に? これな~に?

moriyama について

カテゴリー: 未分類, 英文法, 英語 パーマリンク


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